Professional Speaker

Nicolina loves public speaking - Areas of particular interest:
- Professional Skills & Development (NED & In house Lawyers)
Legal topics in the field of commercial, corporate, regulatory compliance etc.
Inspiring people to reach their potential
Female & Ethnic Minority Empowerment
Making stronger NED applications - Top tips from an Independent Panel Member
Diversity in Boardrooms & the workplace
NED & Portfolio careers
Organisations include: The Financial Times, KPMG, Ministry of Justice, Women on
Boards UK, Oxford University, Women in the Law, NEDA, BoardEx, City law firms,
The Law Society, Black Counsel Forum, Centre for Legal Leadership,
Guest lecturer for the University of Law, Inspiring Diverse Leaders, EPOC, Springpod,
Educational Establishments, Regular webinar host / guest / presenter
*Speaker Fee required for "for profit" organisations
** Photo 1 - Law Society In House Lawyers Conference.
Photo 2 - Filming at the Financial Times